Indie Vision Music, in conjunction with Becoming the Archetype and Black Lodge Publicity, are happy to announce their newest exclusive contest!  Instead of doing the normal “sign up” form they are running a special fan video contest. Ideas can range from lip-syncing your favorite BTA song to artistic adaptations of your favorite song (BTA has said that extra consideration will be given to humor and artistic interpretation).  Members of BTA will ultimately select the winner. Enter now through midnight PST Tuesday morning March 29, 2011 April 5, 2011.

The winner will receive an autographed copy of Celestial Completion and a t-shirt.  Please send a link to your video to along with your name, mailing address, and shirt size (international entries are welcome).

The winner will receive an autographed CD of the Celestial Completion, a t-shirt, and other swag.

Rules: No plagiarism of existing homemade BTA videos already on the web. No extreme gore or anything distasteful.

Sample video provided by IVM: