Metal Pulse RadioMETAL PULSE RADIO will debut the new single from PROMISE LAND titled “Hiding Place“. “Hiding Place” is the bands first recording since their 2005 demo, and features the band’s new vocalist Rod “Kixx” Kozikowski. As well host Dale Huffman will be interviewing founding member David Ralston.

METAL PULSE RADIO will also debut multiple tracks from the new remastered INTENSE MILLENNIUM RECORDS titles that are being released on November 9th which include VENGEANCEHuman Sacrifice“, VENGEANCE RISINGOnce Dead“, SACRED WARRIORRebellion“, BLOODGOODBloodgood“, and BLOODGOOD Detonation“. There will also be an interview with one of INTENSE MILLENNIUM RECORDS founders, James Mattern.

Tune into METAL PULSE RADIO Monday November 8th at 8pm EST on UNTOMBED RADIO.