UPDATE: 7-19-2012 4:18pm EST:
A Retraction Message From Cornerstone’s Magazine Wilson Station has been issued.

From Cornerstone’s Magazine:
RETRACTION: Article on Cornerstone Festival Was an Error
For approximately thirty seconds yesterday, a very early draft of an article which was far from being accurate was accidentally published by me as I used my WordPress software. I knew instantly I’d published the notes I’d been typing, and quickly “unpublished” it again, but not fast enough, as Google cached the article’s contents and folks who love the festival found those contents and re-published them. I’m very sorry that happened, since taking folks on an emotional roller-coaster regarding something they love is not something I wanted.

Here’s *all* we know at present: Some positive developments regarding Cornerstone Farm and the use of that property are possible. We do not yet know how the story will unfold, nor whether or not Cornerstone Festival will be revived because of these developments. The information in the article cannot be relied upon in any respect, and I again apologize to folks for unduly raising their expectations by my accidental and brief publication of that very early draft.

When we do know more about Cornerstone, we will gladly share with all our friends.
Jon Trott

Untombed has removed the Original Article/Draft that leaked From ‘Cornerstone’s Magazine Wilson Station‘ since it was not Mr. Trott’s wishes for the article to go public.


Visit the Source at :  Cornerstone’s Magazine Wilson Station