Australian metal legends MORTIFICATION have announced that “Scribe Of The Pentateuch” will be the title of the bands upcoming 15th album. The band will begin recording from June 10th through the 18th, recording 5 songs for the album then shopping those songs to labels in hopes of securing a new recording contract. Either way they plan to release the album in early 2012.  Steve Rowe says, “The Songs are a Mix of Brutal Old School Death, Thrash, Grind and Traditional Heavy Metal!! The first 5 songs are KILLER!!”.

MORTIFICATION released their last album, “The Evil Addiction Destroying Machine” in 2009.

2 Responses to “ MORTIFICATION Announces Name Of 15th Album ”

  1. Mortalwombat20


    Scribe Of The Pentateuch! *Dunna nunna nunna nunna* Scribe Of The Pentateuuuuuuuch!