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Roxx Productions

Bill Roxx
The return of… Deliverance
July 19th, 2012
From the early thrash metal scene on the West Coast and hailing from the mean streets of Los Angeles California, brace yourselves Metal fans, for the long overdue return of
Bill Roxx
GX Project – Bite Stick Review
May 5th, 2012
So what do you get if you take AC/DC, Rhino Bucket and Cinderella throw them in a blender, mix it up really good and pour it over top of the
Bill Roxx
Roxx Productions partners with Untombed
February 24th, 2012
Untombed/XNR is excited to announce their newest partnership with Roxx Production! Founded in 2002 by Bill Bafford; Roxx Productions has been specializing in Limited Edition Releases focusing specifically in the