Untombed.com has launched it’s own forum. Stop by and discuss the latest and greatest in Christian Metal. Make new friends! Register for your own account today. Check out the forum here.

2 Responses to “ UNTOMBED.COM forum is now launched ”

  1. Gregory spasia

    Gregory spasia

    There is a time when a secular band never played Christian Lyrics.
    And when they hear and fail to go Christian, it’s a matter of giving
    their fans the gold records that got air play over the years. So they fit
    a couple Jesus songs in their concert. One or more members of the band
    play only Christian music in their next solo project. Praise and worship,
    warning songs. change of heart onto salvation songs, love songs,
    social commentary, Christian warfare, exorcism, anti evil sins n’ behavior.
    Jesus’ words and lifetime. Help the poor in spirit with relief. Deep poetic records.
    Vigilance as in Vigilance Saints Arise!

  2. Gregoryedwards3


    Forming ones conscience positive Christian Lyrics, and we know how deep and personal
    Poetry can be. An examination of conscience before God in prayer, can drive out sex,
    drugs, and rock n’ roll. It’s not like a Christ centered rock band is weak or shallow, the
    love for the listeners can drive you forward as never before. Brilliant Songs of life and love,
    can be found in the depths of your Soul. We don’t want to hurt anybody. Just be careful
    not to sin in a bar that needs a knock out performance! Saving Souls for Christ is moor
    challenging and deeper than the bands of the 70’s before Christian Rock was out there
    and Vocal. Take a stand for the Bands of Christ! So much love. So much Faith, and so
    much really good music.
    I have 350 songs you can cover for free. Blabberboard Christian forum,
    at General Chit Chat as Vigilance Saints Arise. God Bless You!